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Writer's pictureKC Fitzgerald

Let That Sh*t Go!

Hello Friends,

I wasn't going to include a blog with my newsletter this month, but I decided I would share some news about what's happening in my life and my yoga teaching schedule.

This is the season of letting go, cleaning up, and getting aligned. We have a full moon eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th which is all about releasing the past and letting go. Anything that does not serve you from the past can be released relatively easily, if you do the work of practicing forgiveness.

This month I released a yoga class that's been on my schedule for four months; long enough to see if it's picking up speed and worth my time and energy or just dead in the water. I decided to let it go. Not all change is bad. Change can be good (it's just our perspective that makes it good or bad.) And when we make space, we make room for something else to come along, which may be better than what we originally planned for.

Another new thing I decided to do: I decided to dip my toe back into the workforce while still maintaining my yoga clients and classes. And I have to say this new job is complementing my life extremely well. I've been teaching online since the pandemic and I do love it, although, I do miss human interactions. LOL. Two weeks ago, I sat on my kitchen floor crying and tapping (EFT) hoping one of the jobs I applied for would work out for me. Within MINUTES, I received an email inviting me for an interview. The UNIVERSE works FAST when you ask! Being in an environment of people who are helping others heal and feel good in their bodies, is exactly where I need to be right now. I am very happy with the new opportunities and possibilities this new job holds.

As far as my other classes on Burnalong, Insight Timer, and private clients, that is all remaining the same; Sundays at 8am Meditation/EFT and Gentle Yoga at 9am, Friday 5pm Yin Yoga and Burnalong Tuesday-Friday at 8am. In June, I will be offering Restorative Yoga Thursday evenings on Insight Timer. I will keep you posted as to when that will be starting.

My friends, if there is anything that you need to release from your life; relationships, jobs, clutter, old stories, old feelings and resentments, it's time to let them go. And forgive, forgive, forgive. Forgiveness is key to healing.

Please feel free to contact me for private yoga, meditation, Reiki, or for EFT work. My goal is to help people live happy, healthy, and vibrant lives through all these different modalities including nutrition counseling and health and wellness coaching.

Stay Well, Friends!!!


Your Health and Wellness Coach/Yoga teacher


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